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The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in Albacete will host this Friday, May 20, a Solidarity Paella. The event is organized by Students of Medicine in Action (EMA), through a group of volunteers from second year medical students.
Several international NGOs and Greek associations are trying to address this humanitarian crisis. They are joined by the EMA group of the Albacete School of Medicine, which collaborates with the NGO Acción Directa to deliver food and clothing to the thousands of refugees in Athens in a vulnerable situation.
The event also has a Fila Cero in case someone cannot attend the event but wants to participate. The rations of the Fila Cero will be destined to vulnerable people in Albacete. They can be paid in the Hall and Concierge of the Faculty of Medicine.
Vacunas castilla-la mancha
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